Hugh’s passion is to support people to be active for life. He enjoys working with a wide variety of people including elite athletes, weekend warriors, and individuals with enthusiasm for adventure. Book an appointment with Hugh to achieve optimal performance on your path to adventure!
Shockwave Therapy
Active Release Technique
Dry Needling
Custom Orthotics
Ergonomics Assessment
• Bachelor of Science in Human Kinetics from the University of Guelph
• Masters in Physiotherapy from the University of Vermont
• Running Analysis and Prevention of Running Injuries
• Active Release Techniques (ART)
• Custom Foot Orthotics
• Spinal & Peripheral Manipulation
• Bike Fitting for Physiotherapists
What does Hugh do for fun?
Hugh loves everything about being in the mountains! He can be found playing outside in our Canmore backyard or enjoying family and friends on Lake Windermere.